Our group has acquired, both for the long years of work and for the various themes with which it has been confronted, a multiple and consolidated experience in all fields of the graphic works and with the different professional figures thus obtaining a very high level of preparation in the drafting and definition of each elaborate graphic. This knowledge and preparation is in fact offered through the outsourced service.
The different experiences have allowed us to focus and well represent by our drawings the wishes and needs related to the subjectivity of each end user.
The many issues that have been addressed throughout the design process, have enabled us to acquire expertise and maturity such to be able to deal at all levels of discussion with all the professionals involved in the construction work.
Our outsourcing service allows all the professionals predisposed to the realization of the work to optimize their time, to accurately focus on the arguments and to have graphic documentation compliant with the regulations of the site.
The company who decides to entrust us with the development of detailed drawings or schedule of the typical elements belonging to specific themes will have the chance to continually monitor all phases of the building construction.
We ask you: why not?
Drawings: what are they, what are they for?
The exposure of a project in its entirety occurs through the drawings. These describe the features of the entire work to be carried out and define its aspects. The drawings therefore reflect the various stages of exposure of the project, from the concept phase and the creation of an idea to the following phases of definition, where even the smallest details are displayed. It is fundamental because in addition to delineate aspects, it allows to control every stage of the development, from concept and exposure to its completion.

The control of a project is very often underestimated but, on the contrary, it appears to be of considerable importance for both the designer who is designing his work, and who is reflected in the design and feasibility, and for the end user, who is able to assess the entity and to understand the aspects of the work.
The many professionals intermediary between designer and end user are reflected through the drawings that are composed and arranged for the various and often numerous stages of the project.
The phases of the project are usually summarized and divided into three main stages that specify their level and content.
- Preliminary design
- Design development
- Detailed design
The preliminary phase of a project usually is interpreted in real time as it locates and carries out several stages of the project itself, such as the development of the idea (concept) and the drafting of the first drawings.
The design development and the detailed design phases represent the successive stages of design into which a project and its completion are commonly divided.
Often not considered, but of considerable importance, eventually, are the drawings referred to as “as-built” that represent the work in its actual execution.
These drawings represent a huge hassle for professional practices, since they consist in drawing the latest complete redaction of the whole project, contemplating the real works as performed on site, including all the choices made for the final implementation.
The As-Built drawings, drafted almost exclusively to works of considerable magnitude, assume great importance for the maintenance of the work carried out in subsequent years.
Clearly all these levels of preparation of a project are not composed exclusively of drawings but contain far more extensive kinds of documents required for the definition of the work to carry out, such as descriptions of the intervention, and specialized technical reports, structural calculations and metric calculations and so on.
The drawings on the other hand must adhere to very specific features of design; features that facilitate the understanding and definition of the object represented: the scale of the drawing, for example, must be such as to be able to better understand and to develop the work in question.
The graphics should have a neat appearance and be pleasant and will be able to easy delineate and identify the elements presented in the tables of the project. The notes indicated in the drawings (text, numbers in detail, dimensions) must be drawn to scale proportionate and must comply with the rules of provision and standards of the places where the building is located.
The advent of BIM over the last few years has greatly facilitated these graphic aspects, through the standardization of representation styles as the scale changes and the ability to organize in one file the entire series of elaborate graphics for the different phases and themes of the project.
Throughout the process of development of a project, you confront with multiple figures, professionals and not, therefore, the graphical art of a drawn paper should always be suitable for the understanding of all concerned.
For the end customer (and the types of customers are varied) graphic documents must be prepared in order to foster understanding and give them the confidence that the designed is respected in its execution.

Often the client does not include two-dimensional drawings and for this reason some specific schematizations of the project are drawn, which by the use of color or, in most cases, by means of three-dimensional drawings, can represent virtually the project or parts of it (renderings).
During the execution of the works, the drawings are increasingly stripped of all tinsels and baubles used for the promotion in order to be better understood and not misunderstood (fundamental aspect that often gets overlooked) by those who must perform the work.
Also, the figures involved the execution of the works are many, the main ones being:

- manufacturers and suppliers of all the elements that make up the work, as the electrical, water and heating, structures, windows and doors, coatings, decorative elements, etc.;
- performers of the work (building company)
- structural engineers and MEPs;
- technical professionals that deal with specific permissions (eg fire-fighting documentation);
- Entities susceptible to various authorizations necessary for the building process.
Therefore, every single drawing in the hands of one of the above-mentioned figures must submit the appropriate features and be calibrated in order to be understood and evaluated as best as possible.